Plan for the Ones You Love

A carefully drafted estate plan ensures that your money, property, possessions and other assets pass to whom you want, when you want.

Whether it's a simple will, a living trust or individual documents such as a durable power of attorney, you can secure your legacy today.

Prevent Potential Conflict

An well-drafted estate plan prevents future conflict among family members and any other interested parties in your estate. In addition, an estate plan can clearly designate who or which persons should be managing your affairs and/or your health care should that become necessary during your lifetime.

Avoid taxes and Other Costs

When a person passes without an estate plan, it is up to the court to determine who the rightful heirs to your assets are.  An attorney is required to investigate possible heirs and gathering your estate assets. To pay for the court costs and attorney's fees, the Courts follow the following guideline based on the value of the estate assets.  These probate fees and costs can be avoided with a well drafted and properly funded living trust.


Personal Attention

As your attorneys, we promise to provide the following:

1. One-on-one meetings with attorneys at all times

2. Flexible meeting arrangements in office or at home, during business hours or after

3. Pledge to respond to any phone calls or emails within 24 hours

4. Flexible and creative fee arrangements to suit each client

Thorough Review

It's relatively simple to draft an estate planning document, but it's far less simple to get it right - to accurately capture the client's wishes and desires, and to anticipate all potential contingencies and pitfalls.

Once your estate planning document is drafted, we will perform a comprehensive review with you to see if we missed anything, either in drafting the document or in gathering information. We envision working with the client and receiving feedback before arriving at the final draft.


One no-cost amendment

Access to client newsletter

No-cost annual review of estate planning document to ensure that it is up-to-date.


Getting Started

Please gives us a call at (408) 909-6113 to schedule a consultation or simply to request more information. You can also contact us via e-mail and we will promptly provide you with all the necessary information to get started.


The first step in the process is gathering information about yourself and your particular situation. Before meeting, we request that each client fills out an intake sheet. This helps us better understand your situation, which will make our initial meeting more productive.

Analysis & Drafting

Once we've had a chance to meet and discuss all of your goals and concerns, we will analyze your situation and draft and prepare the appropriate estate planning documents. During this process, we may give you a follow-up call or request a follow-up meeting to ensure that we are addressing all your needs and concerns in full.


Once we complete a draft of your estate planning documents, we will sit down with you to go over them in detail, and answer any questions or concerns you may have. After the final review, we will have you perform an official signing of documents before a Notary Public.

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